Wednesday, January 6, 2010


You may not even realize all the messages your body language sends to a guy -- before you even speak to him. Read our quick guide to body language signals, and next time you spot a cute guy, you'll know exactly how to say "Hello, there" without uttering a single word.

1. Smiling coyly
 "If you smile subtly -- without showing your teeth -- while your eyes are slightly narrowed, you're telling a guy that you want to get to know him better. This signal is best used when you first meet someone.

2. Catching his eye and holding it for a couple of seconds
 This is the most powerful weapon in your body-language-flirting arsenal. "If you hold his gaze for just a half second longer than the usual split-second gaze, and then you look down and back at him, it tells the guy that you've considered him and you like what you see. Try this move in a crowded bar or at a party.

3. Fixing your hair or your outfit
We do this when we're aware that we're being watched and we want to make sure we look our best. Grooming gestures like these let him know that you've noticed he has checked you out.

4. Brushing his arm
This is a boundary-testing touch. "Men see this as the first gesture to physical intimacy. "You are inviting him to reciprocate and touch you in a similar way."

5. Interacting with other people
Playing with a friend's hair or touching a friend's arm while you talk to him acts as a representation of how you touch. "These gestures tell a man that either he can be the recipient of your touching or he could be the one touching you in that way.

6. Looking away as you kiss, hug, or greet him
If you look around the room, at the door, or even at another guy when you say hello to a man, it tells him that you're not that into him. "You may even be on the lookout for someone else.

7. Mimicking his movements
"Making subtle tweaks to mirror his movements shows him that you two are on the same page," says James. Mirroring his movements may sound awkward or too obvious, but something as subtle as holding your drink at the same height as his is all it takes.

8. Folding your arms
"Classically, people see this is a barrier gesture that repels people. There are two different versions, each with its own meaning. "If your arms are folded in a self-hug, so that your hands touch your rib cage, it can imply that you're feeling insecure or bored. "If your arms are folded so that your hands are on your biceps, you're telling him that you're not interested in talking."

9. Making steady eye contact when he's talking
"Giving him 100-percent eye contact when he's talking, while also nodding to show that you're listening, tells him that you value what he has to say. But you should look away briefly when you're talking. "Too much prolonged eye contact when you speak can look intimidating or even dishonest."
