One of my fave site to visit is the this site was introduce by my bff. joyce unabia And i kinda like the site.I love reading their articles about bizarre thing.Just like what I have just read it is all about Mental disorder.
I've learn that ;
ZOO SADISM is one of mental disorder the term was coined by Ernest Borneman it refers to pleasure or sexual pleasure derived from cruelty to animals.The article says that when ever you saw or notice a child who is cruel to animals their will be a possibility he/she will be serial killer in the future.
SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called eccentric personality disorders. People with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar. They might display unusual thinking patterns, behaviors, or appearances.People having this kind of disorder might might have odd beliefs or superstitions. These individuals are unable to form close relationships and tend to distort reality.
AUTASSASSINOPHILIA is a mental disorder the person need to be on a great danger to become sexually aroused.
TELEPHONICOPHILIA a person with this kind of disorder is obscene with phone call. Where the caller receives a sexual pleasure by delivering sexual of foul language to an unknown called party.Mostly common to stalkers.
FROTTEURISM a person with this diorder like to touch hisr genitals area. He also like to rub his pelvis or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual gratification.A person who practices frotteurism is known as a frotteur. Majority of men has this kind of disorder and most of the victims are women.In our dialect mga manyakis or pervert most common ni n disorder sa mga Japanese.(peace to all Japanese just relating in based on what I've just read and saw in amine movies)
DEREALIZATION The feeling that things in one's surroundings are strange, unreal, or somehow altered, as seen in schizophrenia. Hallucination in short.